Horsham Quilters

Friday 07 March 2025
09:30 to 13:00

We are a group of approximately 70 like minded ladies who love to sew.  We meet on the first Friday of every month at Lower Beeding Village Hall.   We invite speakers to give talks on their journey into the world of Patchwork and Quilting and we have been shown some of the most amazing pieces of work which inspire us to have a go ourselves.  We also have workshops, sometimes given by our invited speakers or possibly one of our members with a particular skill. 

If you are a newcomer to patchwork and quilting we have several members who would be happy to guide you step by step through your first quilt.

The meetings open at 9:30am for a 10am start (except August when we have a picnic and December when we have a Christmas Party), and of course the first thing we do is have a cup of tea or coffee and a chat

Please see www.HorshamQuilters.co.uk for further information

Contact Melanie Roberts
Cost £3 member, £5 for a visitor. Includes Tea or Coffee and biscuits